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The iM-5 ETF Trader

  • This system always holds five ETFs (equity-, fixed income-, leveraged equity-, short equity-, and Gold-ETFs) selected according to stock market climate and rank.
  • Typically, during good-equity markets it holds equity-ETFs and/or leveraged-equity ETFs, and during bad-markets fixed income-ETFs and/or short equity-ETFs. Also at times it can hold three gold-ETFs with other ETFs.
  • A one factor ranking system selects five ETFs from a preselected list of 33 ETFs. A simulation from 2000 to 2017 shows a 35% annualized return with a maximum drawdown of -13%.

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The iM-Minimum Drawdown Combo

In our continued effort to satisfy request for low drawdowns models with reasonable turnover and good returns we provide this model, which combines:

The combo showed a simulated 22.2% annualized return with a maximum drawdown of -7.7% when backtested from Jan-2000 to Apr-2017.

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The iM-Low Turnover Composite Timer Combo

In an effort to satisfy request for low turnover models with low drawdowns and reasonable returns we provide this model, which combines:

  • the iM-Comp Mkt Timer Stocks/Bonds (VOE-BIV) based on the iM-Composite Timer (SPY-IEF) which holds only one ETF at any time (33% weight in the combo),
  • and the iM-Composite Mkt Timer(GLD&SCHP+VTV&VOE+BIV&LQD) based on the iM-Composite (Gold-Stocks-Bond) Timer which holds two ETFs concurrently (67% weight in the combo).
  • This combination model always holds two or three ETFs at any time for a minimum period of six weeks before any of them can be sold.

The combo showed a 17.6% annualized return with a maximum drawdown of -11.2% when backtested from Jan-2000 to Mar-2017 on the simulation platform Portfolio 123.

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Improvements to the iM HiD-LoV-7 System

  • The system screens for high dividend, low volatility S&P 500 stocks yielding significantly more than the average yield of the index and which also have a low 3-yr beta.
  • Market timing rules related to our long-period backtest models, the MAC-US Timer, CAPE-Cycle-ID, and Inflation Timer have been incorporated into the model’s algorithm, and turnover has been modestly increased by introducing an additional sell signal based on volatility.
  • The 16.5 year backtest of the original iM HiD-LoV-7 System produced annualized return of about 22% with a maximum drawdown of -34%, whereas the improved model provided annualized return of about 25% with a maximum drawdown of -14% over the same backtest period. (Figure-3a)

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Updated: Timing the Stock Market with the Inflation Rate

  • Stocks usually perform poorly when inflation is on the rise. Using the inflation rate, we developed a market timer according to two simple rules.
  • Switching according to the Timer signals between the S&P500 with dividends and a money-market fund would have provided from Aug-1953 to end of Jan-2016 and annualized return of 12.69%.
  • Over the same period buy-and-hold of the S&P500 with dividends showed an annualized return of 10.08%, producing about a quarter of the total return of the Timer model.

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The MAC-US Timer – a Moving Average Crossover System of the S&P 500

  • Switching between stocks and bonds as signaled by a simple moving average crossover system of the S&P 500 – the MAC-US Timer – produces significantly higher returns than buy-and-hold stocks.
  • The model has been updated from Aug-1965 to Jan-2017, conservatively assuming that funds are placed in the money market when not in the stock market.

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Timing the Stock Market with the Inflation Rate

  • Stocks usually perform poorly when inflation is on the rise. Using the inflation rate, we developed a market timer according to two simple rules.
  • Switching according to the Timer signals between the S&P500 with dividends and a money-market fund would have provided from Aug-1953 to end of Jan-2016 and annualized return of 12.48%.
  • Over the same period buy-and-hold of the S&P500 with dividends showed an annualized return of 10.08%, producing about a quarter of the total return of the Timer model.

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The iM Composite Timer Gold-Stocks-Bonds

  • This model uses the rules of the iM-Gold Timer and the iM-Composite Market Timer to signal periodic investments in gold, stocks and bonds.
  • From Jan-2000 to Jan-2017 the Gold Timer signaled eight gold investment periods totaling only 9.3 years, while for the remaining periods totaling 7.7 years the model would have been in cash.
  • During the “cash periods” the Composite Market Timer provides the signals when to invest in stock and/or bond ETFs. Bond ETFs include the ETF (XLU) are also selected according to the prevailing Market Climate Score (MC-Score) and a ranking system.

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The Long Leading Recession Indicator DAGS is signaling an oncoming Recession.

On January 20, 2017, our long leading recession indicator DAGS signaled an oncoming recession.

Based on past history a recession could start at the earliest in 6 months (July-2017), but not later than 28 months from now (May-2019). The average lead time to previous recessions provided by DAGS would have been 15 months.

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Forecasting Stock Market Returns with Shiller’s CAPE Ratio and its 35-Year Moving Average

  • Shiller’s Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio (CAPE ratio) is at 27.8, which is 11.1 above its long-term mean of 16.7, signifying overvaluation of stocks and low forward returns.
  • The alternative CAPE ratio methodology offered in this article references stock market valuation to a 35-year moving-average of the Shiller CAPE ratio instead of to the 1881-2016 fixed long-term mean.
  • The latest CAPE ratio predicts a 10-year annualized real return of only 1.5%, whereas the presented methodology forecasts 5.8%, similar to the long-term market trend expected real return of 5.4%.

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