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The iM Seasonal Multi-Sector Investment Strategy

  • The iM Seasonal Multi-Sector Investment Strategy capitalizes on a seasonality-based approach to investing, leveraging the well-known “Sell in May and Go Away” phenomenon.
  • During the winter period (end of October to the end of April) the model invests in the five highest-ranked U.S. Sector ETFs equally weighted.
  • Selection is based on the performance of 30 sector ETFs during the previous one- and two-year winter periods, and not by selecting arbitrarily cyclical- and defensive categories for the winter- and summer periods.
  • In the summer period the model allocates funds equally between the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) and Invesco QQQ.
  • By combining sector rotation and hedging mechanisms for inflationary periods, this strategy offers a systematic framework for maximizing returns and managing risks.

Posted in 2020, blogs, featured

Stocks Are Overvalued And 10-Year Forward Returns Look Poor: Update December 2024

  • The average of S&P 500 for Dec-2024 was 6,011, (34% up from Jul-2023 average of 4,497 when forward returns for stocks “looked reasonably good” according to this analysis).
  • The S&P 500 is now 2,135 points higher than the corresponding long-term trend value of 3,876.
  • For the S&P 500 to reach the corresponding long-trend value would entail a 35% decline from the December average value, indicating that the S&P 500 is considerably overvalued.
  • The Shiller CAPE-ratio is at 37.9, 42% higher than its 35-year moving average (MA35), currently at 26.7, forecasting a 10-year annualized real return of about 4.6% derived from the CAPE-MA35 methodology.
  • The long-term trend indicates a forward 10-year annualized real return of only 2.0%

Posted in 2020, blogs, featured

A September Unemployment Rate of 4.0% Will Signal a Recession

  • A reliable source for recession forecasting is the unemployment rate (UER), which can provide signals for the beginnings and ends of recessions.
  • The model was published in 2012 and has correctly signaled the 2020 recession.
  • The latest UER (August 2023) is 3.8%, signifying no recession. However, if the September UER is 4% or higher a recession will be signaled according to the model.

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Stocks Are Moderately Overvalued And 10-Year Forward Returns Look Reasonably Good: Update July 2023

  • The average of S&P 500 for July-2023 was 4,497 (4% down from Dec-2021 high average of 4,675) and is 859 points higher than the corresponding long-term trend value of 3,638.
  • For the S&P 500 to reach the corresponding long-trend value would entail a 20% decline from the July average value, indicating that the S&P 500 is moderately overvalued.
  • The Shiller CAPE-ratio is at 30.9, 19% higher than its 35-year moving average (MA35), currently at 26.1, forecasting a 10-year annualized real return of about 6.5%.
  • The long-term trend indicates a forward 10-year annualized real return of 4.4%

Posted in 2020, blogs, featured

iM’s Business Cycle Index Recovers but still Signals a Recession – Update 6/9/2023

  • Knowing when the U.S. economy is heading for recession is paramount to successful investment decisions.
  • Our weekly Business Cycle Index would have provided early reliable warnings for the past seven recessions and signaled the Covid 2020 recession one week late.
  • The BCIg has signaled a recession warning mid March 2023, but BCIg recovered and is no longer signalling a recession.
  • However the BCIw, also on recovery path, continues to signal a recession which now is estimated to begin in 9 to 22 weeks.
  • It is too early to say if a recession has been averted, more likely is it is delayed towards the end the end of 2023 or begin 2024.

(click to enlarge)

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Timing The Stock Market With The Conference Board Leading Economic Index

  • This ETF trading model uses the Conference Board Leading Economic Index to determine “Risk-On” periods for equities.
  • A universe is defined from the SPDR, Vanguard, and PowerShares ETF providers for the sectors healthcare, energy, communication, technology, and general multi-sector funds, holding large-mega cap stocks from the United States.
  • The model selects 3 ETFs from the previously defined universe at the beginning of a “Risk-On” period and holds these ETFs continuously until the end of the “Risk-On” period.
  • During “Risk-Off” periods for equities it goes to the gold ETF (GLD) to maximize returns. ETF (BND) is also a suitable alternative to GLD.
  • The simulation shows that this strategy would have produced over 7-times the total return of SPY with similar risk.

Posted in blogs, featured

Stocks Are Moderately Overvalued but 10-Year Forward Returns Look Good: Update April 2023

  • The average of S&P 500 for March-2023 was 3,969 (15% down from Dec-2021 average of 4,675) and is 384 points higher than the corresponding re-calibrated long-term trend value of 3,585.
  • For the S&P 500 to reach the corresponding long-trend value would entail a 10% decline from the March average value, indicating that the S&P 500 is not significantly overvalued anymore.
  • The Shiller CAPE-ratio is at 27.9, 8% higher than its 35-year moving average (MA35), currently at 25.9, forecasting a relatively high 10-year annualized real return of about 7.3%.
  • The long-term trend indicates a forward 10-year annualized real return of 5.5%
  • However, rising inflation with a falling CAPE-MA35 ratio, similar to what occurred in the period 1964-1973, implies very low or negative 10-year forward annualized real returns.

Posted in 2020, blogs, featured

iM’s Business Cycle Index Signals an Imminent Recession – Update 4/7/2023

  • Knowing when the U.S. economy is heading for recession is paramount to successful investment decisions.
  • Our weekly Business Cycle Index would have provided early reliable warnings for the past seven recessions and signaled the Covid 2020 recession one week late.
  • The Department of Labor backward revised nearly two years of seasonal adjusted data.
  • The BCIg is now signalling a recession since mid March 2023 with a 12 weeks average lead time.
  • The BCIw is now signalling a recession, earliest in 5 weeks but not later than 17 weeks.

(click to enlarge)

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Expect Further Losses For Stocks but 10-Year Forward Returns Look Better: Update December2022

  • The average of S&P 500 for Nov-2022 was 3,917 (16% down from Dec-2021 average of 4,675) and is 385 points higher than the corresponding re-calibrated long-term trend value of 3,532.
  • For the S&P 500 to reach the corresponding long-trend value would entail a 10% decline from the November average value, indicating that the S&P 500 is not significantly overvalued anymore.
  • The Shiller CAPE-ratio is at 28.3, 10% higher than its 35-year moving average (MA35), currently at 25.8, forecasting a relatively high 10-year annualized real return of about 7.2%.
  • The long-term trend indicates a forward 10-year annualized real return of 5.5%
  • However, rising inflation with a falling CAPE-MA35 ratio, similar to what occurred in the period 1964-1973, implies very low or negative 10-year forward annualized real returns.

Posted in 2020, blogs, featured

Expect Further Losses For Stocks but 10-Year Forward Returns Look Better: Update November 2022

  • The best fit line and prediction band were re-calculated from Jan-1871 to Sep-2022. This added over 10 years of data after July-2012, the end date of the previous regression analysis.
  • The average of S&P 500 for Oct-2022 was 3,726 (20% down from Dec-2021 average of 4,675) and is 207 points higher than the corresponding re-calibrated long-term trend value of 3,519.
  • For the S&P 500 to reach the long-trend would entail only a 6% decline from the October average value, indicating that the S&P 500 is not significantly overvalued anymore.
  • The Shiller CAPE-ratio is at 27.2, only 6% higher than its 35-year moving average (MA35), currently at 25.7, forecasting a relatively high 10-year annualized real return of about 7.5%.
  • However, rising inflation with a falling CAPE-MA35 ratio, similar to what occurred in the period 1964-1973, implies very low or negative 10-year forward annualized real returns.

Posted in 2020, blogs
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