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The Long Leading Recession Indicator DAGS is signaling an oncoming Recession.

On January 20, 2017, our long leading recession indicator DAGS signaled an oncoming recession.

Based on past history a recession could start at the earliest in 6 months (July-2017), but not later than 28 months from now (May-2019). The average lead time to previous recessions provided by DAGS would have been 15 months.

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Forecasting Stock Market Returns with Shiller’s CAPE Ratio and its 35-Year Moving Average

  • Shiller’s Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio (CAPE ratio) is at 27.8, which is 11.1 above its long-term mean of 16.7, signifying overvaluation of stocks and low forward returns.
  • The alternative CAPE ratio methodology offered in this article references stock market valuation to a 35-year moving-average of the Shiller CAPE ratio instead of to the 1881-2016 fixed long-term mean.
  • The latest CAPE ratio predicts a 10-year annualized real return of only 1.5%, whereas the presented methodology forecasts 5.8%, similar to the long-term market trend expected real return of 5.4%.

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The iM Gold-Timer – Rev1

We have revised the iM Gold-Timer. The timer endeavors to signal long-term investment periods for Gold. It uses the SPDR® Gold Shares ETF: GLD. When not invested in GLD the model goes to 100% cash.

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Timing the Stock Market with the Shiller CAPE

  • The Shiller CAPE (cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio) is typically regarded as a stock market valuation measure. When the CAPE is high stocks are supposed to be expensive, and vice-versa.
  • The CAPE itself is not a good stock market timer. However, the CAPE can indirectly be used for market timing by determining a Cycle-ID as formulated by Theodore Wong.
  • Our 1950-2016 backtest of the CAPE-Cycle-ID model, when switching between the S&P500 with dividends and the money market, showed an annualized return of 11.9%, versus 10.4% for buy-and-hold.

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Market Timing with ETFs SH and RSP: Using the iM-Composite & Standard Market Timers’ Rules

  • This market timing model integrates the iM-Standard Market Timer and the iM-Composite Market Timer.
  • This model switches between ETFs SH and RSP providing signals when to be short or long the stock market.
  • The model does not utilize Bond ETFs, and is therefore not directly affected by the potential risk of rising interest rates.
  • From 2001 to 2016 switching between SH and RSP provided significant benefits. This strategy would have produced an average annual return of 26.2% versus only 8.5% for buy&hold RSP.

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Composite Market Timing Increases Returns And Reduces Drawdown.

  • Reliance on a single market timer could be risky. The risk can be reduced with a composite timer who’s component timers use different, uncorrelated, financial and economic data.
  • From 2001 to 2016 switching between bonds and stocks using a composite timer would have produced an average annual return of 19.7% versus only 5.2% for buy & hold stocks.

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Profitable Market Timing with the Unemployment Rate, Backtested to 1974.

  • If the unemployment rate is higher than three months ago the model exits the stock market and enters the bond market, and re-enters the market when the unemployment rate is equal or lower than where it was three months ago.
  • From 2001 to 2016 switching between bonds and stocks provided significant benefits. This strategy would have produced an average annual return of 13.0% versus only 5.2% for buy&hold stocks.
  • Using long-term data from 1973 to 2016 for stocks and bonds confirms the unemployment rate (UNEMP) as a profitable stock market timer.

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2.5% Inflation By December 2016; This Negative Inflation Surprise Favors TIPS Over Conventional Bonds!

  • If the FED does not change the Federal Funds Rate then the year-on-year inflation rate is set to rise, and we calculate it at 2.5% for December 2016.
  • The inflation rate for August was 1.1% and it is predicted rise to 2.5% by December. Accordingly, prices of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) should rise as well.
  • With inflation rising, and markets uncertain, TIPS should be a reasonably safe investment for some time. Conventional bond funds are expected to perform worse than TIPS funds

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Improving on Target Date Funds: 14.5% Return from the iM Best4 MC-Score Vanguard ETF Investor System

  • An investor who is able to assess stock market climate, and able to adjust asset allocation accordingly, will have an advantage in the market.
  • Four different approaches are used to assess market climate which are based on economic, momentum and sentiment indicators. This results in five different market climate segments.
  • During up-markets the system is invested in long equity ETFs and then switches progressively to fixed-income ETFs when neutral or negative stock market climates exist.
  • This system invests simultaneously in four Vanguard ETFs (or their corresponding mutual funds), appropriately selected for the prevailing market climate, and typically holds them for longer than a year.
  • A backtest of the model from Jan-2000 to Aug-2016 shows an average annual return of 15% with a maximum drawdown of -12.6% and a low average annual turnover of 82%.

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ETF Investing According to Market Climate: With the iM Best2 MC-Score System

  • This system provides investment selections according to stock market climate. During up-markets it is long equity ETFs and switches to bond- and gold ETFs during neutral and negative markets.
  • It invests periodically in only two ETFs, appropriately selected for the prevailing market climate.
  • A backtest from Jan-2000 to Jul-2016 shows an average annual return of 16% with a maximum drawdown of -17% and only 61 realized trades during this 16.5 year long period.

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