Blog Archives

Monthly January 2014

Fig 8 UER 2-7-14The unemployment rate recession model has been updated with the January UER of 6.6%.
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Posted in month free, reg unemploy

iM Update – Feb 7, 2014

The IBH stock market model is out of the market. The MAC stock market model is invested, the bond market model avoids high beta (long) bonds, the yield curve is steepening, the gold model is not invested, but the silver model is invested. The recession indicator COMP is lower from last week’s level, and iM-BCIg is also lower from last week’s revised level. MAC-AU is invested.

Posted in reg

Best10 Feb 3, 2014

Best10 2-3-14Currently the portfolio holds 10 stocks, 3 of them winners, so far held for an average period of 39 days, and showing combined -5.38% average return to 2/3/2014
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Posted in reg bestx

Best(SPY-SH) and Combo3 – 2/3/2014

Best(SPY-SH) 2-3-14The iM-Best(SPY-SH) model currently holds SPY, so far held for a period of 210 days, and showing 6.06% return to 2/3/2014
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Posted in reg-best-spy

iM Update – Jan 31, 2014

The IBH stock market model is out of the market. The MAC stock market model is invested, the bond market model avoids high beta (long) bonds, the yield curve is steepening, the gold model is not invested, but the silver model is invested. The recession indicator COMP is lower from last week’s level, and iM-BCIg is also lower from last week’s level. MAC-AU is invested.

Posted in reg

Best(SPY-SH) 1-27-2014

The iM-Best(SPY-SH) model currently holds SPY, so far held for a period of 203 days, and showing 8.45% return to 1/27/2014

Posted in reg-best-spy

Best(SPY-SH) 1-21-2014

Best(SPY-SH) 1-21-14The iM-Best(SPY-SH) model currently holds SPY, so far held for a period of 197 days, and showing 12.21% return to 1/21/2014
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Posted in reg-best-spy

iM-Best Combo3: Best(SPY-SH) + Best1(Sector SPDR) + Best(SSO-TLT)

Using our three ETF models, Best(SPY-SH), Best1(Select SPDR) and Best(SSO-TLT) equal weighted in a combination model, we demonstrate that the combo would have produced high annualized returns of 34.3% with a low drawdown of -12.9% and low volatility. Additionally, due to the very high liquidity of its component ETFs, the combo could support a huge portfolio size.

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Posted in blogs, combo, featured

Best10 Jan 13, 2014

Best10 1-13-14Currently the portfolio holds 10 stocks, 4 of them winners, so far held for an average period of 27 days, and showing combined 1.35% average return to 1/13/2014
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Posted in reg bestx

iM Update – Jan 17, 2014

The IBH stock market model is out of the market. The MAC stock market model is invested, the bond market model avoids high beta (long) bonds, the yield curve is steepening, the gold model is not invested, but the silver model is invested. The recession indicator COMP is higher from last week’s level, and iM-BCIg is lower from last week’s level. MAC-AU is invested.
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Posted in reg
With reference to Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Investment Advisers Act: We are Engineers and not Investment Advisers, read more ...
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