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iM-BestogaX-5 System

  • The BestogaX universe of the Russell1000 consists of the so called “Vice” stocks (excluding Gaming stocks), plus the stocks from the GICS-sub-industries: Restaurants, Soft Drinks, and Internet Retail.
  • A discussion on the merits of investing in the stocks of the BestogaX universe is available here.
  • The iM-BestogaX5-System is a combination of the partially hedged BestogaX-5 Investor and Trader models, each of which periodically select five of the highest ranked stocks from the Russell1000 BestogaX universe.
  • No market timing in the stock buy- and sell rules. During adverse market conditions it is hedged short SSO, with hedge ratios varying from 20% to 50% of current holdings.
  • This system has a low turnover, because the specified minimum holding periods are one year, and three months for the Investor and Trader component models, respectively.  

Please refer to the relevant model descriptions for performance curves of the two equal weight component models BestogaX-5 Investor partially hedged and BestogaX-5 Trader partially hedged.
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iM-BestogaX-5 Trader

  • The BestogaX universe of the Russell1000 consists of the so called “Vice” stocks (excluding Gaming stocks), plus the stocks from the GICS-sub-industries: Restaurants, Soft Drinks, and Internet Retail.
  • A discussion on the merits of investing in the stocks of the BestogaX universe is available here.
  • The iM-BestogaX5-Trader model periodically selects only five of the highest ranked stocks from the Russell1000 BestogaX universe, and holds them for at least three months.
  • There is no market timing in the buy- and sell rules. The model is rebalanced weekly, resulting in small weight adjustments, and dividends are re-invested when available.
  • Backtesting was done on the web-based trading simulation platform Portfolio 123.

In the Figure-1 below, the red graph represents the performance of the model and the blue graph shows the performance of the benchmark SPY.
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iM-BestogaX-5 Investor

  • The BestogaX universe of the Russell1000 consists of the so called “Vice” stocks (excluding Gaming stocks), plus the stocks from the GICS-sub-industries: Restaurants, Soft Drinks, and Internet Retail.
  • A discussion on the merits of investing in the stocks of the BestogaX universe is available here.
  • The iM-BestogaX5-Investor model periodically selects only five of the highest ranked stocks from the Russell1000 BestogaX universe, and holds them for at least one year
  • There is no market timing in the buy- and sell rules. The model is rebalanced weekly, resulting in small weight adjustments, and dividends are re-invested when available.
  • Backtesting was done on the web-based trading simulation platform Portfolio 123.

In the Figure-1 below, the red graph represents the performance of the model and the blue graph shows the performance of the benchmark SPY.
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Beating the Market with the BestogaX Stocks of the Russell 1000

  • The BestogaX universe of the Russell1000 consists of the so called “Vice” stocks (excluding Gaming stocks), plus the stocks from the GICS-sub-industries: Restaurants, Soft Drinks, and Internet Retail.
  • A capitalization weighted index of this universe outperformed SPY by about 4.5 times from Jan-2000 to Mar-2016.
  • Over down-market periods the iM-BestogaX Index lost on average 87% less than SPY, and over up-market periods gained on average 24% more than SPY.
  • Many of the BestogaX companies have affordable products, familiar name brands, and worldwide distribution networks, providing them with reliable revenue growth also during adverse economic climates.
  • Investors holding continuously all the BestogaX stocks, and rebalancing to equal weight every four weeks, would have had an annualized return of over 17% from January 2000 to March 2016.   

Over the backtest period, Jan-2000 to Mar-2016, the number of stocks in this universe varied from a minimum of 23 to a maximum of 32. Stocks currently in the BestogaX universe are listed in the table below, with market capitalization shown in $-millions. There are 25 large-cap companies with a market-cap greater than $5-Billion.
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The iM Standard Market Timer

The iM Standard Market Timer endeavors to signal periods when it may be advantageous to exit the market or hedge one’s portfolio of stocks.

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iM-Combo6: Combining 5 ETF Models with BESTOGA3 for Good Returns and Low Drawdowns

  • This combination model aims to provide reasonable returns with low drawdowns during all market conditions.
  • There are six equal weight component models in Combo6, five of which are from Combo5 and the BESTOGA3 is the sixth component model.

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iM-Combo7: Combining 5 ETF Models with BESTOGA3 and Hedging with Best10(Short Russell3000)

  • This combination model aims to provide reasonable returns with low drawdowns during all market conditions.
  • There are six equal weight component models from Combo6, (five of which are from Combo5 and the BESTOGA3), which are then hedged 25% with the Best10(Short Russell3000), the seventh component model.

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The iM Gold-Timer

The iM Gold-Timer timer endeavors to signal long-term investment periods for Gold. It uses the SPDR® Gold Shares ETF: GLD. When not invested in GLD the model goes to 100% cash.

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iM-Best10 Shorts from the Russell 3000

  • This model selects periodically up to 10 stocks of the Russell 3000 index to sell short.
  • Stocks having a market-cap less than $800-million and those having a 10-week average daily total amount traded of less than $6,000,000 are not sold short.
  • Simulated performance over a 16 year backtest period shows an annualized return of 18.8% with a maximum drawdown of -48%.

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iM-Combo5; Combining 5 ETF Models for Good Returns and Low Drawdowns

  • This combination model aims to provide good returns with low drawdowns during all market conditions.
  • For the period 2000 to 2016 the backtested annualized return is 24.0% with maximum drawdown of -10.5%.
  • There are five equal weight component models in Combo5.

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