Blog Archives

Monthly March 2014

Unemployment RateThe unemployment rate recession model has been updated with the March UER of 6.7%.
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iM Update* – Apr 4, 2014

Posted in pmp paid update

iM Update – Apr 4, 2014

Posted in pmp free update

Best10 Mar 24, 2014

Best10 3-24-14Currently the portfolio holds 10 stocks, 7 of them winners, so far held for an average period of 24 days, and showing combined 1.55% average return to 3/24/2014
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Posted in reg bestx

iM Update* – Mar 28, 2014

Fig 4 BVR 3-28-14The BVR-model avoids high beta bonds (long-bonds) and also intermediate duration bonds.
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Posted in pmp paid update

iM Update – Mar 28, 2014

Posted in pmp free update

iM-Best(XIU-Cash) Market Timing System for Canada

This model uses the signals from the iM-Best(SPY-SH) Market Timing System, substituting the Canadian ETF XIU for SPY and switches between XIU  and Cash instead of SH.  XIU tracks the S&P/TSX 60 Index and currency is Canadian Dollar.
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Best10 Mar 10, 2014

Currently the portfolio holds 10 stocks, 5 of them winners, so far held for an average period of 26 days, and showing combined 2.12% average return to 3/10/2014

Posted in reg bestx

Monthly February 2014

Unemployment Rate 3-7-14The unemployment rate recession model has been updated with the February UER of 6.7%.
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Posted in month free

iM Update – Mar 7, 2014

The IBH stock market model is out of the market. The MAC stock market model is invested, The recession indicator COMP is higher  from last week’s level, and iM-BCIg is also higherd from last week’s level. MAC-AU is invested. The bond market model avoids high beta (long) bonds, the yield curve is steepening, the gold model is not invested, but the silver model is invested.

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Posted in pmp free update
With reference to Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Investment Advisers Act: We are Engineers and not Investment Advisers, read more ...
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