iM-Best(XIU-Cash) Market Timing System for Canada

This model uses the signals from the iM-Best(SPY-SH) Market Timing System, substituting the Canadian ETF XIU for SPY and switches between XIU  and Cash instead of SH.  XIU tracks the S&P/TSX 60 Index and currency is Canadian Dollar.

We calculated (XIU-Cash) using XIU dividend adjusted closing prices from YahooFinance for the SPY investment periods according to Best(SPY-SH).  (XIU-Cash) would have provided an annualized return of 12.2%  versus 3.2% for buy-and-hold from 2000-2013 from January 2000 to the end of August 2013.

There were 32 periods when the model was invested in XIU, with 25 periods producing a positive return.

The excel file showing returns for both XIU and SPY can be downloaded here.  In the spreadsheet SPY also uses dividend adjusted closing prices from YahooFinance and no slippage or transaction costs were taken into account.  (SPY-Cash) produced higher returns than (XIU-Cash), but the market timing significantly improved returns for (XIU-Cash).

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2 comments on “iM-Best(XIU-Cash) Market Timing System for Canada
  1. krooker says:

    Are you planning ot include the XIU-Cash market timing system in the Gold level membership?

    • geovrba says:

      No we are not planning this, because XIU just follows the signals for SPY in the Best(SPY-SH) model as stated in the first sentence of the blog above. Best(SPY-SH) signals are available to Silver and Gold members and subscribers to the model at P123.

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