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iM-Best(SPY-Cash) Market Timing System: Gains in Up Markets – Cash in Down Markets

This binary model uses the signals from the iM-Best(SPY-SH) Market Timing System, and switches between SPY (SPDR® S&P 500® ETF) and Cash instead of SH. This model would have produced an average annual return of about 16.3% from January 2000 to the end of August 2013, versus 2.6% for a buy-and-hold investment of SPY over the same period, with maximum drawdowns of -15% and 55%, respectively.

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Best10 9-3-13

Best10 9-3-13Currently the portfolio holds 10 stocks, 3 of them winners, so far held for an average period of 40 days, and showing combined -1.14% average return to 9/3/2013
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Posted in reg bestx

Monthly 9-6-13

Unemployment 9-6--13
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Posted in reg unemploy

iM Update 9-6-13

The IBH stock market model is out of the market. The MAC stock market model is invested, the bond market model avoids high beta (long) bonds, the yield curve is steepening, the gold model is not invested, but the silver model is invested. The recession indicator COMP is a bit higher and iM-BCIg is lower from last week’s level. MAC-AU is also invested.

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Best(SPY-SH) 9-3-13

Best(SPY-SH) 9-3-13Currently the portfolio holds SPY, so far held for a period of 57 days, and showing 0.19% return to 9/3/2013
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Posted in reg-best-spy

iM-Best(SPY-SH) Market Timing System: Gains for Up and Down Markets

This binary model switches between SPY (SPDR® S&P 500® ETF) and SH (ProShares Short S&P500 ETF) depending on market direction. Using a web-based trading simulation platform, our ranking system, and specific buy and sell rules, this model would have produced an average annual return of about 29.3% from January 2000 to end of August 2013, versus 2.6% for a buy-and-hold investment of SPY over the same period.

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Best10 8-26-13

Best10 8-26-13Currently the portfolio holds 10 stocks, 8 of them winners, so far held for an average period of 32 days, and showing combined 1.42% average return to 8/26/2013
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Posted in reg bestx

(Deprecated) iM-Best(SPY-SH) Market Timing System: Gains for Up and Down Markets

This binary model switches between SPY (SPDR® S&P 500® ETF) and SH (ProShares Short S&P500 ETF) depending on market direction. Using a web-based trading simulation platform, our ranking system, and specific buy and sell rules, this model would have produced an average annual return of about 27.7% from January 2000 to middle of August 2013, versus 2.8% for a buy-and-hold investment of SPY over the same period.

Posted in deprecated

Best(SPY-SH) 8-26-13

Best(SPY-SH) 8-26-13 rev1 Currently the portfolio holds SPY, so far held for a period of 49 days, and showing a 1.17% return to 8/26/2013
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Posted in reg-best-spy

Gold: When Will the Next Buy Signal Emerge?

Gold may have recently bottomed and is currently in backwardation, possibly an indication that the price could increase in the months ahead.  Since nobody knows the future let us assume that the gold price could change between -$20 and +$30 each week, this representing an upward price trend for the metal.  Using random numbers between those limits for each weekly change in price, then one can construct numerous future scenarios of the gold price.  Also one can use the modified Coppock indicator to identify the next buy signal based on these projections.
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