BCI 9-26-13
The growth in New Houses Sold and For Sale, a component of the BCI, continued in August after a slump in July, and together with the S&P 500 remaining strong pushed the BCI to a new high of 159.5 from last weeks revised 158.2
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BCI 9-19-13
With the S&P 500 gaining and the continued claims of the insured unemployed declining further the BCI rose to a new high of 158.8. The BCIg rose to 17.0 from last weeks upward revised 16.8
BCI 9-12-13
The BCI gained, now at a level of 157.4 is up 0.9 from last week’s revised 156.5
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BCI 8-15-13
The BCI gained this week and is at 159.0 up 1.7 from last weeks 157.3.
BCIg after many weeks of slow decline also gained and is at 19.7 against last weeks 19.2.
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BCI 8-8-13
The BCI stepped sideways , at 157.3 it is one point up up from last week’s 157.2 and BCIg slightly down at 19.2 from last weeks 19.3.
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BCI 8-1-13
The BCI continues its upward trend, at 157.2 it is up from last week’s revised 156.7 and BCIg slightly down at 19.3 from last weeks revised 19.4.
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