

Reference: Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Investment Advisers Act.

We are not Investment Advisers. We are Engineers who have designed mathematical algorithms for financial models, whose output can range from an index to a stock/ETF selection, which is published here or elsewhere. We are not making any recommendations and have no opinion regarding the signals that these models produce.

Georg Vrba is a professional engineer who has been a consulting engineer for many years. In his opinion, mathematical models provide better guidance to market direction than financial “experts.” He has developed financial models for the stock market, the bond market, the yield curve, gold, silver, and for the recession indicator COMP; all published in Advisor Perspectives. (list of all publications here)

Anton Vrba is an electrical engineer. He pursued a career in R&D, manufacturing and construction project management. Anton built this website and developed iMarketSignals’ proprietary Business Cycle Index (BCI). His other interests are mathematics and physics. He is a lateral thinker often challenging established explanations.

With reference to Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Investment Advisers Act: We are Engineers and not Investment Advisers, read more ...
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