The BVR-model avoids high beta bonds (long-bonds) and also intermediate duration bonds.
The Bond Value Ratio is shown in Fig 4. The BVR is down from last week’s level. According to the model, only when BVR turns upward after having been lower than the lower offset-line should one consider long bonds again.
The Yield Curve:


This indicator is described in Is it Time to Buy Gold Again? – Wait for the buy signal …….

This indicator is described in Silver – Better Than Gold: A Modified Coppock Indicator for Silver.
I am having trouble understanding the BVR signals. I am currently looking at the chart updated 9/14.Are you using a moving average with the BVR to determine the change in direction? Also, the November 2011 detail…there is a line from below suggesting a lower switch point and an arrow from above stating upper switch point….one says to buy low beta fund, the other to sell.