
iM Update – May 16, 2014

Market Signals Summary:

The IBH stock market model is out of the market. The MAC stock market model is invested, The recession indicator COMP is higher from last week’s level, and iM-BCIg is  lower from last week’s level. MAC-AU is invested. The bond market model avoids high beta (long) bonds, the yield curve is steepening, both the gold and silver model are invested.



Fig1 IBH 5-16 The IBH-model is out of the market as shown in Fig. 1. A sell signal was generated 61 weeks ago when the WLIg_shortEMA moved below the WLIg_longEMA.  Currently the WLIg_shortEMA indicator is moving fractionally above the level of the WLIg_longEMA. If the sell signal was correct then WLIg_shortEMA should move decisively below WLIg_longEMA, which is currently not the case. However, had it not been for this sell signal, the model would have generated another sell signal on Sep-20-13. A Sell-C signal was generated on during week ending 11/15/13. The IBH-model is described here and the latest rules can be found here .

Fig2 Mac 5-16The MAC-US model stays invested. MAC-US Fig 2 shows the spreads of the moving averages. The sell-spread is   lower from last week’s level. A sell signals is not imminent. The sell spread (red graph) has to move below the zero line for a sell signal


Fig2.1 MacAu 5-16The MAC-AU model stays invested. MAC-AU Fig 2.1 shows the spreads of the moving averages of the Australia All Ordinaries Index. The sell-spread is lower than last week’s level. The sell spread (red graph) has to move below the zero line for a sell signal.

This model and its application is described in MAC-Australia: A Moving Average Crossover System for Superannuation Asset Allocations.



Fig3 comp 5-16In Fig. 3 one can see that COMP is higher than last week’s downward revised  level, and far away from signaling recession. COMP can be used for stock market exit timing as discussed in this article The Use of Recession Indicators in Stock Market Timing.


Fig3.1 BCIg 5-15-14Fig. 3.1 shows our recession indicator iM-BCIg, is lower than last week’s level. It is possible that BCIg may have peaked in June. A recession is not imminent as one can clearly see.

Please also refer to the BCI page


Posted in pmp free update

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