
Monthly 9-6-13


Unemployment 9-6--13

The modified  August unemployment rate was reported at 7.3%.  Here is the monthly update on using the UER as a recession indicator.



Modified Coppock Indicator for the S&P500

COPPOCK S&P500 9-6-13There has not been a new buy signal from the modified Coppock indicator for the S&P500 since January 2013. This model will stay invested to the end of this year, unless a new buy signal emerges before then.

Posted in reg unemploy
3 comments on “Monthly 9-6-13
  1. lance92646 says:

    Have been following in a spreadsheet and it shows a new buy signal as of week ending 08/30 with close of 1632.97 and a trigger of indicator maximum versus current level of .007.

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