
Monthly 10-25-13

 Modified Coppock Indicator for the S&P500

Coppock S&P500

The modified Coppock Indicator has produced another buy signal.  This indicator will signal investment in the S&P500 until September next year or until the S&P500 has gained 38%, whichever comes first, unless another buy signal emerges before that




Unemployment 10-22-13October 10, 2013: The modified September unemployment rate was reported at 7.2%. Here is the monthly update on using the UER as a recession indicator.

Posted in reg unemploy, signals
2 comments on “Monthly 10-25-13
  1. lance92646 says:

    My tracking worksheet doesn’t show a buy.
    My calculations of the 8 period EMA indicator shows .064 and the Indicator maximum versus current level shows a difference of 0.
    Can you clarify numbers at your end?

    • geovrba says:

      All 3 conditions for a buy are in place since 10/11/13.
      WMA(32) > EMA(8)
      WMA(32) – EMA(8) > 0.03
      16wk max WMA(32) – WMA(32) >0.004

      Buy signal is generated when 2 consecutive buy signals occur.

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